

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Pratham Books Champion : Arthi Anand Navaneet

Arthi Anand Navaneet  shared these pictures of the storytelling session she conducted as part of StoryWeaver's Wonder Why Week.  Arthi is the voice of Art's Tales, a weekend story telling initiative.

Arthi used the stories 'Dum, Dum-a-Dum Biryani' and 'How Does the Toothpaste Get into the Tube?' along with 'The King's Bed' (a clever story on standards measurements) for her storytelling session. "Interspersed with some fun experiments by the children- a delightful experience indeed," says Arthi.

See all the images from Arthi's session here.

Thank you Arthi for spreading the joy of reading!


Wonder Why Week was a week-long (28th February- 6th March, 2016) celebration of picture books that introduce children to topics from robotics and measurement, to genes and forest canopies. These new titles were created under a grant from the Oracle Giving Initiative and touch upon Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. You can see some of these titleshere.

Note : If you want to be a Pratham Books Champion and join us on our journey of getting 'a book in every child's hand', write to us at champions(at)prathambooks(dot)org.

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